Dr. Fabíola Prior Caltabeloti

Dr. Fabíola Prior Caltabeloti

Intensivist physician at the ICU of the Beneficência Portuguesa Mirante Hospital and the Sírio-Libanês Hospital.

Defended thesis and related article

Title: Respiratory and haemodynamic effects of volume test in patients with shock and acute respiratory distress syndrome: an observational study using lung ultrasound

Advisor: José Otávio Costa Auler Junior

Date of defense: 08/9/2014

Caltabeloti F, Monsel A, Arbelot C, Brisson H, Lu Q, Gu WJ, Zhou GJ, Auler JO, Rouby JJ. Early fluid loading in acute respiratory distress syndrome with septic shock deteriorates lung aeration without impairing arterial oxygenation: a lung ultrasound observational study. Critical Care 2014 May 6;18(3):R91. https://doi.org/10.1186/cc13859